Our Story

Working Towards a Better Tomorrow
Strumpshaw village community has survived since the early 1900's with the Parish Room as the only hall available to parishioners.
Although the Parish Room has served the community well, it has now reached the end of its life and the new Community Hall is welcomed as a valuable asset.
The new hall is centrally located in Mill Road and has parking adjacent to the hall.
Behind the Scenes
Strumpshaw Community Hall was created as a result of the 2014 Strumpshaw Neighbourhood Plan. The land-owner, Crabtree Living Ltd., gave the site for the Community Hall and allotments to the Parish Council as part of a planning agreement for the houses on Mill Meadow. Crabtree Living Ltd. built most of the Community Hall at their expense. The Parish Council completed the planned building and then furnished and equipped it.
Strumpshaw Parish Council acknowledges with grateful thanks the donations and grants that have enabled the Council to open the Community Hall.
Donations greater than £1,000 were given in memory of Jill Hammond, Margaret Pooley and Stuart Smith.
Other residents also made generous donations.
Grants were received from:
The Adnams Community Trust (for the hearing loop)
The Paul Bassham Charitable Trust
The Cancer Community Chest (for the defibrillator)
The Pennycress Trust
The Rank Foundation
The R C Snelling Charitable Trust
The Strumpshaw Tuesday Coffee Break
The Strumpshaw Marsh Charity
The Geoffrey Watling charity